Passive Income Made Simple


Profitable Online Businesses are Reseller Websites?

Your business, your brand, your profit. If you are to succeed in running a business from any location on your laptop, this will usually be a Reseller Business.  To put it simply, you own a Website where you act as the Go-Between from your Customer to the Supplier of Digital services.

Eg. you sell something for $800 and your Supplier delivers to your Customer for $400.

That is like Dropshipping?

Yes it is but in our case we don’t build websites that deal in physical goods.

We only build Business Websites that trade in Digital Services, like Web Design Services, App Design Services, Social Media Services, Digital Marketing Services, Graphic Design Services, SEO Services, Virtual Assistant Services and Video Production Services….to name a few.

Suppliers are tried and tested to provide you the best possible execution in delivering to your customers. However you are not locked into using the suppliers that we provide, it will be your business and you can run it how your wish – complete flexibility!

Professional Web Design and Niche Analysis
All in One Package

Royalty Free Graphics

FREE Hosting Permanently

Keyword Research

Suppliers Included

High Volume High Margin Sales & Profits


Choose a Business in Your Area of Interest

We have many years of experience in Niche Research and know what it takes to establish online businesses that really work.

Using professional Digital Marketing tools such as SEMrush, we can discover profitable opportunities within specific niches and formulate the best way to deliver them in the current market.

We have identified that Digital Businesses with Digital Services are the businesses are MOST suited to Growth and Prosperity in our future Business Environment.

Passive Income With Our Amazing Websites!

Jobs in our global economy continue to disappear and those who adapt fastest will prosper. Your job may be outsourced to a cheaper contractor from another country… do you really have any job security? Do you have a secure future?

If you are looking at the fastest way to get wealthy and have financial freedom, this will usually mean running your own business and today that means an Online Business.

The Digital Business environment we live in is easier to profit from than you think.

  • You don’t need IT skills
  • You don’t need Web Development Skills
  • You don’t even need Business Skills
  • You just need reasonable Communication Skills and a lot of Common Sense

As a business owner, forwarding emails and giving customers what they ordered is all it takes to operate your business. You don’t have the expertise to deliver specialized services but you have basic written communication skills. As a Go-Between, that is all you need!

Have you noticed that all businesses are online and all businesses are connected to Social Media? We noticed this a long time ago and started to build simple businesses that anyone can run and make a full time income from.  When you reach a full time income, you can scale the business with no limits and become very wealthy, financially independent..whatever you like to call it!

Types of Reseller Businesses We Offer


We offer a business that trades in Web Design

This business comes with a dedicated supplier so you don’t need web design skills

As the owner of this business you offer website design services for $600 and make $300 net profit per transaction. And your supplier deals with the customer through the development stage and does all of the delivery and after sales service.


We offer a business that trades in White Board Video Production Services.

This business comes with a dedicated supplier so you don’t need production skills

You just offer a service that provides Whiteboard Animation Video for $249 and you make $163 net profit.


We offer a business that specializes in Resume Graphic Design.

This business comes with a dedicated supplier so you don’t need graphic design skills.

You just provide a service that offers Resume Graphic Design for $59 and you keep $54 net profit.


We offer a business that specializes in Facebook Page Apps and Designs.

This business comes with a dedicated supplier so you don’t need any type of design skills.

You just provide a service that offers Facebook Page Apps for $249 and you make $216 net profit.


We offer a business that specializes in Social Media Posting.

This business comes with a dedicated supplier so you don’t need any Social Media Posting experience, software subscription or skills.

You just provide a service that offers Social Media Posting Daily over 1 month for $149 and you make $100 net profit, then set each customer on reoccurring billing.


We offer a business that specializes in Virtual Assistant Placement and Services.

This business comes with a dedicated supplier so you don’t need any Virtual Assistant or Admin experience or even have any specific skills.

You just provide a service that offers a Virtual Assistant for 40hours over 1 month for $200 you make $100 net profit, then you set up each customer on reoccurring billing.


We offer a business that specializes in Mobile App Development.

This business comes with a dedicated supplier so you don’t need any App Development Experience…who knows how to build an App anyway……your supplier does.

You just provide a service that offers to convert an existing business website to a functional Mobile App for $1000 you make $500 net profit. And your supplier deals with the customer through the development stage and does all of the after sales service.


We offer a business that specializes in Personal Branding and producing Personally Branded websites.

This business comes with a dedicated supplier so you don’t need any web development experience…who knows how to build a website anyway……your supplier does.

You just provide a service that offers to develop a Personally Branded website for $800 and you make $400 net profit. And your supplier deals with the customer through the development stage and does all of the delivery and after sales service.


We offer a business that specializes in Search Engine Optimization.

This business comes with a dedicated supplier so you don’t need any SEO Experience…who would even know where to start with SEO……your supplier does.

You just provide a service that offers to drive traffic to your customer’s website for $99, you make $94 net profit per transaction, then set each customer on reoccurring monthly billing.


We offer a business that specializes in Email Marketing and Email broadcasts.

This business comes with a dedicated supplier so you don’t need any Email Marketing experience , software, subscription or skills. Your supplier can reach millions of customers in specific niches via email.

You just provide a service that offers Niche Specific Email Broardcasts for $99 and you make $84 net profit, then you set each customer on weekly or monthly reoccurring billing.

In All These Examples

You don’t need any experience to run the business

Your business comes with back-up suppliers

There are excellent profit margins you can’t find outside the Digital Services space

The business has unlimited growth potential meaning it is easy to scale up to double your income without a lot more time being spent.


If you start forecasting 10 sales per day for some of the businesses above you are looking at one months salary in 1 day.

And it is not necessarily the higher value services which are harder to distribute.


So to reach your prospective customers you don’t need to be a marketing expert either. To drive traffic to your new website we offer a Social Media Marketing guide. It will be a matter of finding what suites you in terms of Social Media Marketing and sticking to it, then you will do well.

Follow this plan for a few hours a week to get your site generating traffic and sales. And you won’t need to use your own personal social media account to achieve this. Getting traffic and sales with Social Media will be quicker than SEO and you will get results. Your sales will quickly cover the cost of purchasing your first site.

Our most successful customers have multiple sites and centralize their marketing efforts. We can help you get there with multi site deals, just see in the Pricing Table.

Premium sites such as ours would cost well over $2,000 if you attempted to build from scratch with a designer, and you would not have suppliers in place and a marketing plan to follow.

Our sites are put together in the highest growth areas within Digital Services. We keep sites in stock by niche which can be delivered to you immediately. Don’t hesitate get into business today, then quit your job not too much later.

Be in control of your financial future.

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I have been looking for a second income for some time now and this has really surpassed my expectations..I didn’t realise how easy it can be to run a business where everything is outsourced. My supplier is quick and experienced having delivered the same service to thousands of customers time and time again. i still have a lot of time on my hands even though I am a mother of 2. I plan to purchase more reseller websites and market them using facebook as I have learnt a lot from the marketing materials and am fully confident with driving traffic now.

Shelly Stockwell

Sydney, Australia

My site is This is such a simple format. I have used the Marketing Plan provided with the and it works very well on Social Media. The delivery was fast and the advice and after sales service has been excellent.. Better still my site is returning a profit of $315 per sale and some days I do multiple sales..It feels like if I can get this right, the sky is the limit..I have already bought a second site and plan to run 4 sites full time. One of the sites I am looking at returns $59 per sale but I think it has potential to go viral and do hundreds of sales per week..I also have developed some ideas about my own niches which I can also develop soon.

Johnny Cable

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

There is so much confusion on how to make money online these days…so much noise. I didn’t even know where to start and was lucking enough to have been referred by a friend who has 3 websites and has now quit his full time job to focus on growing he reseller business. I have a site in my area of interest and I can even provide some of the services myself…but I have decided to use the 2 suppliers on a full time basis and concentrate on driving traffic to the site because it give such a great return on investment and profit margin.

David Hudson

Wellington, New Zealand

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